Annual General Meeting July 8 at 5pm

Please join us for our Annual General Meeting!  Meet our Board, get updates on our recent activities, and enjoy some social time to celebrate seeds and seedkeepers!  On zoom from 5-7 pm on Monday, July 8. Email ratinenhayenthos at for the link.

We will also host our monthly volunteer work bee/open house on Sunday, July 14, from 9-11 am (note, this is a bit earlier than we usually start, but if the day turns out to be hot, we will be glad of an earlier start and end time).  Please bring your water bottle and wear sturdy footwear and sun protection!

One of the tasks you may enjoy as a volunteer is preparing name stakes for the varieties being stewarded here, so I include a photo of our interns doing just that.  Name stakes are just what they sound like:  wooden stakes that have the name of each variety in the collection painted on them.  They help us stay organized and keep each variety true to type. Look for them when you visit the gardens! We have also been painting the other side of each stake with the Mohawk word for the plant type:  tomato, bean, etc.  We are encouraging the interns in learning the language, as we are fortunate to have a couple of strong speakers on hand this year!