It’s almost Giving Tuesday!

Ratinenhayénthos is cultivating the next generation of seed work— celebrate our transformative work with a gift today
Ratinenhayénthos, the Kenhté:ke Seed Sanctuary and Learning Centre is 5 years old this year!  We have refined our vision as follows:  “To position KSSLC as the leader in producing locally grown community seeds to support food sovereignty for future generations in Kenhte:ke and neighbouring communities.”  We are recognized as cultivators of a community of seeds and seed growers, maintaining good relations with the land and waters.  A recognition we couldn’t have reached without you! Thank you for supporting our education and grow-outs in our earliest years.

  As we launch our next chapter together, we celebrate many shared accomplishments with our incredible community of Seed Keepers, organic food system enthusiasts, and champions of agrobiodiversity.   With your help, on this Giving Tuesday, we can cultivate a transformation in organic farming that ensures future generations have access to high-quality, locally adapted, and environmentally sustainable seeds.  If you require a charitable tax receipt, you can give via our charitable partners SeedChange, just add a note that your donation is intended for Ratinenhayénthos.  In gratitude for their support, we also encourage you to donate to them directly, to continue their wonderful work as well!  If you do not need a tax receipt for your donation, you can send the funds directly to Ratinenhayénthos either by cheque or through our online donation page
Bean seeds in wooden bowl.