Lengthening Days

It hasn’t been a cold winter, and I fear for this year’s tick season, and for the Maple nation.  But it has been a dark winter, there’s no doubt about it!  The lengthening days that we tend to perceive at this time are welcome, because there’s a better chance that we might see some sun over the course of a longer day.  Our seeds are still at rest now, but soon the onions and the peppers will be brought out and we will ask them to kindly start growing in anticipation of real soil and rain.  We give greetings and thanks for Midwinter, Imbolc, Groundhog Day and any other seasonal celebration we can manage to lift our spirits at this time.

Also, t-shirts are back in stock!  Email if you’re interested 😊  Here is a photo of an old one of mine, so you can see how well they hold up to abuse!