Share the Love (of Plants and their seeds)!

We are very fortunate that love is so embedded in what we do at the Kenhte:ke Seed Sanctuary and Learning Centre!  Love for the seeds as we watch them grow from tiny sprouts to mature plants and back to seeds again, love for the volunteers who help out, love for the land and all its beings past present and future, and love for this community who persist in keeping seeds and feeding each other good food.  We are gearing up for a full year of sharing this love with you at many events!

First up of our events will be our annual Seed Share event, when community members will be able to choose seeds from our posted list for pick-up in mid-late March.  Watch for the list to be posted in early March, and grow locally-adapted heirloom and Indigenous plants in your garden this year!  We will also be participating in Kingston Seedy Saturday with our sister organization KASSI, on Saturday March 9 at Cooke’s Portsmouth United Church in Kingston.

We are hoping to be involved in a celebration of the full Solar Eclipse on April 8, stay tuned for announcements!  Definitely Look for us at the Earth Day event and join us in celebrating the fourth anniversary of the making of a modern Wampum belt and our commitment to the seeds in our care.  The seeds were Rematriated in ceremony on April 22, 2019.

We will be bringing on more youth (age 29 or under) interns this year, so if you, or a youth you know, are interested in learning to save and grow seeds please reach out to us.  Our mission is to cultivate a sacred space to grow, preserve, and protect heirloom and Indigenous seeds in accordance with Rotinonhsyon:ni cosmology, to ensure the availability of healthy, viable seeds for our collective future generations.

Volunteer workbees will continue this year on the second Sunday of each month beginning in April.  On Sunday, April 14 at 10 am, we hope you can join us by the fire to work together to clear brush and other tasks.  As usual, please dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.  Youth under 30 are particularly encouraged to come out, and we are happy to sign off on High School volunteer hours for helpers who need those!

Sending love out today and all year round!